News from COETAIL

Flippin’ (the Ess) Ay!

Matt Fron project grew out of two questions I have been wrestling with: How can I personalize students' learning? What can replace the literature essay for an authentic assessment? Enter Flipped Learning. Though initially sceptical,...

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Design Thinking Hangout with Dr. John Nash

I've been a fan of Design Thinking ever since I was introduced to it by Dr. John Nash a couple years ago. You can read a bit more about that experience here. Fast forward a couple years and I am now teaching a design thinking course for Eduro Learning.  Dr. Nash is...

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Should We Be So Focused on Sending Kids to College?

I have been a total slacker on the blogging front! Our last COETAIL Cast (#25!!) was just the motivation I needed to get a post out. Lately I've been thinking about this idea of pushing everyone to go to college. I'm not sure I agree with that. I got to thinking......

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Learning in the library of COETAIL

Learning in the Library of COETAIL Nicki Hambleton@itsallaboutart "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." Dr. Suess Let me start at the very beginning ... Back in Course 1, I found the greatest...

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Redefining ‘Redefinition’

Pana Asavavatana Finding The Right Angle Going into course five, I knew that the way I approached this final project would take some stepping back and rethinking. I didn't run core curricular units from start to finish in my role as technology integrator. Plus, the...

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Smile, You’re Not Alone: A story of “connecting”

I Got This! When I heard about COETAIL and what it entailed, blogging, tweeting, making global connections... I thought to myself "check, check and check!" I was already doing those things so I thought COETAIL would be a breeze. In many ways, it actually was smooth...

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Course 5 Final Project: Minecrafting Opportunities

For my final project, I created a learning experience through MinecraftEdu. This was my second time using MCEdu as a learning tool, and I felt that overall, it was a very powerful engagement for my students. The videos I created to document the process will speak for...

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Minecrafting Opportunities

These are two videos I created to document the learning that occurred during out last unit of inquiry, Where We Are in Place and Time. These will be a part of my COETAIL final project. MinecraftEdu Experience Overview (The Story Behind the Space) Student Reflections...

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