News from COETAIL

The Evolution of Learning

What Stands Out By the way we structure learning at the university or graduate levels, I would probably say I'm not a very good student. Sure, I can read a bunch of literature to support a paper I was assigned to write, in fact, I might even get an 'A' on that paper....

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15 months + Coetail = Technologically Nimble

Shary Lyssy Marshall@sharymarshall Redefining Leadership with COETAIL couple of years ago I kept seeing the word “Coetail ” in my Twitter feed. Eventually I discovered it was a program in educational technology and...

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Bringing Experts into Classrooms via Technology

Researcher + Connection = Inspiration, Engagement & Deeper Understanding As a school leader, I love collaborating with teachers, particularly when there are opportunities to redefine students’ learning experiences.One of my favorite ways to transform a unit is to...

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To Flip or Not to Flip?

What's the Point? When I first heard about the concept of "flipping" your classroom, the extent of my understanding was that its main purpose was to free the teacher to give more support to students during class time, rather than spending it feeding them content. In...

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So What Is So Great About Finland’s Education System?

Right now I'm full tilt into the first semester of my doctoral studies here at the University of Kentucky. I am studying educational leadership and technology. It's pretty cool. Right now I'm taking a class where we are looking at the ISTE leadership standards. Here...

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I Didn’t Know I Was A Gamer

When I Hear the Word 'Gaming' I Think: When I look at this image, I think of my cousins who spent their youth playing Game Boy, my parents seeing the addicting nature, and forbiding me to play any sort of computer or digital game. By the time I was old enough to make...

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Kill The Report Card

Report cards drive my teaching. There, I said it. I know it’s the last thing we are supposed to say, because we strive so hard in international schools not to teach to the test. But, the truth is, it’s the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about for fear...

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I am Introvert, Hear Me…Write Quietly Alone at Home

Background:  Introversion and extroversion are one of the most thoroughly researched topics in personality psychology. There is no agreed upon definition for what tendencies an introvert embodies compared to an extrovert. There are, however, generalizations that have...

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