News from COETAIL

A sense of belonging: my community engagement

Photo by Park Troopers on Unsplash ...within this process of incessant learning lies the secret of living the adventure called life, to its fullest. The more you learn, the more you blossom.Pulki Sharma, The speaking tree. Times of India From lurking to connecting...

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The New Hybrid Blended Learning

Covid-19 and the New "Normal" Here in Shanghai, schools are opening back up.  It's a slow process and at our school, with only a few grades at a time.  In another week, we will have grades 4-12 on campus.  So what's different?  There is definitely...

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Final Project: American Wars and the Just War Theory

I didn't think that I would find a classroom to teach in within Seminole County, Florida. After many visits to the Seminole County Board of Education and emails sent to charter and private schools, I ended up at a charter middle school, Galileo School for Gifted...

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Community Engagement

One of my last assignments for this course is a reflective blog post about the ways I’ve been actively growing and strengthening my PLN, both with other COETAIL-ers and beyond, and how this engagement has helped me grow as a collaborator. While the ongoing pandemic...

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Synergy in Virtual Learning

At some point during the current COVID19 pandemic, I decided that I needed to escape the daily onslaught of horrible and depressing news from around the globe. I wanted to check out of life just for about 30 minutes each day (sometimes longer), and all the binge...

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The End and The Beginning

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash LINK to SlideDeck with full teacher interviews and project information, including reflections and student evidence Background Moving into the 2019-2020 year I knew that a growth...

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Community Engagement

Sustaining community engagement was my greatest challenge over the whole COETAIL course. I really had to change from a 'Lurker' to a 'Connector'. I agonized about how to tweet, what to tweet, and what hashtags to use. After a year and four COETAIL courses, I still...

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Community Connections

Photo by Mario Purisic on Unsplash One of the great things about taking on my COETAIL certification is the connections with educators in my cohort, past COETAILers and other educators from around the world.  For me, the primary way I have done this...

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