Shary Lyssy Marshall

Redefining Leadership with COETAIL

A couple of years ago I kept seeing the word “Coetail ” in my Twitter feed. Eventually I discovered it was a program in educational technology and information literacy. I noted that many of the educators I was following and learning from were in Coetail or were Coetail graduates.

I signed up.

For me, it has been transformational in developing my online voice, experimenting with blogging, including designing a blog for sharing resources at my school, and connecting with educators all over the world.

Coetail has the potential to redefine educational leadership in numerous ways, including promoting ongoing reflection and learning, connection and collaboration, and creating educators who are able to learn, unlearn, and relearn. In other words, helping us to become technologically nimble.

In addition, I really appreciate the ways in which coetail has promoted a growth mindset. It’s about being learners with our colleagues and our students. It’s about modeling learning, including struggle, and making failure simply a normal part of the process.

I used to worry about technology failing​ critical times. I appreciate that I can fix whatever might not be working, even for colleagues, at least most of the time. I have Coetail to thank for thi s. Our school recently hosted a literacy conference with regional participants. Two couldn’t make it and we were able to connect them via a Google Hangout. This too, I wouldn’t have been able to manage without the great learning I’ve just finished.

At the same time I think it’s safe to say I’ve just begun. the world is changing quickly and in order to prepare our students for their futures, we have to keep up.