How do COETAILers grow as Analysts?
We’re realigning our courses to the new ISTE Standards to equip today’s educator with the knowledge & skills to impact student learning. This realignment allows us to continue to improve the COETAIL experience while staying true to our ethos. COETAIL Course 5 brings all your learning together with the Application of Innovative Pedagogy. With a focus on developing as Leaders and Analysts, this course is a semester-long, hands-on experience to culminate your journey.
“The ISTE Standards for Educators are your road map to helping students become empowered learners. These standards will deepen your practice, promote collaboration with peers, challenge you to rethink traditional approaches and prepare students to drive their own learning.” (source)
We reached out to our COETAIL alumni to better understand how they grew during the COETAIL program.

The next ISTE Standard in our series is Citizen:
ISTE Standards for Educators // Analyst
Eduro Learning embraces a community approach to learning. We believe that our community is essential to COETAIL’s identity so we are letting their voices speak for the program. Below, COETAILers share how they grew as Analysts during their journey.
Your turn!
What does being an Analyst mean to you? How do you demonstrate this standard? Why and how would you like to grow as an Analyst?
Let us know via Twitter or Instagram using #COETAIL (feel free to get creative!) or comment below!
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