Being a Concept

We used to teach about content. Now we teach through concepts. The next step, in my opinion, should not be to teach students about or through concepts, but rather for students to become them. Everyone knows the Ghandian quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the...

My Infographical Mind

Within the world of technology and the internet, infographics have been created and shared at an amazingly fast rate. Anyone who is a visual learner will probably enjoy the world of infographics, as I do, and probably be involved in sharing them through social media....

Become a Teacher: Anyone can do it!

The video, “When I Become a Teacher” is all about stating the opposite of what good teaching should look like. It reminded me of parodies that Armstrong and Miller, two stand-up comedians from the UK, did about becoming a teacher. Here are two examples:...

Are Digital HOTS Worth The Time They Take?

-Is all of this experimentation with how to use technology in the classroom helping my students learning, or hindering it? -Are these time-consuming synthesizing tech “projects” the best way for students to learn? -To what degree is the time-investment in product...

Geeks Unite!

3 weeks and counting… Reading through Living and Learning with New Media (2008), and about the final stage or level of participation, “Geeking Out”, I began to wonder if I had ever reached ‘geekdom’ with anything I had particpated in....

In a World of Chaos…

…how do we know what is real? Moving on to the article on Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age (2004) what really stood out to me was how Siemens discusses the new chaotic manner in which learning now occurs. Including technology and connection...