To Flip or Not to Flip?

What’s the Point? When I first heard about the concept of “flipping” your classroom, the extent of my understanding was that its main purpose was to free the teacher to give more support to students during class time, rather than spending it feeding...

I Didn’t Know I Was A Gamer

When I Hear the Word ‘Gaming’ I Think: When I look at this image, I think of my cousins who spent their youth playing Game Boy, my parents seeing the addicting nature, and forbiding me to play any sort of computer or digital game. By the time I was old...

Kill The Report Card

Report cards drive my teaching. There, I said it. I know it’s the last thing we are supposed to say, because we strive so hard in international schools not to teach to the test. But, the truth is, it’s the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about for fear...

I am Introvert, Hear Me…Write Quietly Alone at Home

Background:  Introversion and extroversion are one of the most thoroughly researched topics in personality psychology. There is no agreed upon definition for what tendencies an introvert embodies compared to an extrovert. There are, however, generalizations that have...

How “Integrated” is Augmented Reality?

Ever since I took this position as a tech integrator, I spend most of my time reflecting on whether or not the things I teach are truly integrated into our curriculum. I came across SAMR last year when I was still teaching Kindergarten, and it immediately helped me to...

Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.

How can we nurture and support the ability to learn, unlearn and relearn in ourselves, our students, and our school community? Photo Credit: forayinto35mm via Compfight cc Nothing endures but change. Heraclitus What is it about change that is so difficult?Maybe it’s a...