The Vehicle Doesn’t Matter… It’s Where You Take It

In 2005 I decided to get a masters degree. I knew that I would need to find a program that was online based as I was going to be moving to Cambodia. I found a couple different programs that seemed to be more or less what I was looking for. Many delivered content...

Is the Future About Flipping?

I thought it was kinda funny that I sat down to write this post on “Flipping” the classroom last night and the internet was down. I’ll state right off the bat that I think flipping the classroom is a really effective way to deliver content when done...

To Embrace you First Must Let Go

Let’s pose a hypothetical situation. Let’s say that you decided today that you were going to fully embrace technology integration into your classroom. Then you and Doc Brown were able to travel in time to 2 years from today to see how your classroom has...

The Train is Leaving… But Who’s Driving?

Choo choo, chug chug! From what I’ve seen and experienced in the world of international schools there are schools that run the gamut with regard to jumping on the train of technology implementation and integration. You as a teacher have undoubtedly grown with...

What is Google Calendar Asking Me?

The other day I opened my Google Calendar and a bar popped up asking me wether or not I wanted to use Google Calendar to open all web calendar links? I wasn’t sure exactly what this meant so I decided to find out. If you click the “Learn More” link...