Before we get to the blog tour…have you had a chance to join the COETAIL Community Facebook Group? A new place to stay connected…share, celebrate & ask questions! Invite current COETAIL-ers, grads and anyone interested in teaching & learning
During the last 2 weeks COETAILers around the world have highlighted their favorite Course 1, 2 and 3 posts. Have you had a chance to browse #COETAIL? Take a couple minutes…who says you can’t throwback on a Monday?! This week we transition to Courses 4 & 5…but that doesn’t mean you have to forget about Courses 1-3. All courses are fair game this week!
We continue to count down to Online 8 by celebrating COETAILers past and present. This week we invite you to share your favorite highlights from Courses 4 and 5 during our first ever COETAIL Blog Tour!
See below for more information or check out the {#COETAIL Blog Tour} announcement.
Have questions? Comment below or reach out to us via social media.
Dates | Course |
May 17 – 19 | Course 1 |
May 21 – 23 | Course 2 |
May 24 – 26 | Course 3 |
May 28 – 30 | Course 4 |
May 31 – June 2 | Course 5 |
P.S. Have you had a chance to do us a quick favor in order to make sure we’re continually tailoring COETAIL to meet the needs of educators around the world? If you haven’t yet, click here. If you have (THANK YOU!), we’d love for you to share with a colleague or two (!
What might that look like?
- Share links to your favorite blog posts for each course.
- Share links to blog posts from other COETAILers that you found yourself nodding to, pushed your thinking, gave you an ah-ha moment, etc.
- Write a short reflection about the highlighted course/blog post: What were your biggest takeaways? How did it impact your practice? How did student learning in your classroom shift during the course? Don’t think too hard – short and sweet and to the point is best! Think about including {COETAIL Blog Tour} in your post/title.
- If you share via your COETAIL blog, add the tag ‘Blog Tour‘ so that your (new and old) posts can be easily found from the COETAIL site.
- Here’s a blurb you could add to your posts or tweek to your style: I love being part of the growing COETAIL community and celebrating the work of educators around the world! During the rest of May, COETAILers will be sharing their favorite moments from their COETAIL experience. Check out #COETAIL on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google+ and the COETAIL blog feed to be inspired. Does COETAIL sound like a community you’d like to be a part of? If so, be sure to sign up for updates here.
Where should you share?
- Everywhere!
- Include #COETAIL & tag @COETAIL on your favorite social media
Then what?
- Check #COETAIL & the COETAIL homepage often to see highlights and reflections from others.
- Tell your COETAIL friends about the blog tour so they can participate.
- Share the blog tour with your colleagues who haven’t taken the COETAIL plunge (yet). #COETAIL on social media and the Blog Tour tag are great places to start.
- Be on the lookout for a COETAIL Challenge coming in early June!
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