As my initial COETAIL journey comes to a close, I’ve spent some time recently reflecting on the journey and the COETAIL community as a whole. I’d like to share three ways in which I’ve engaged with my PLN regarding themes related to COETAIL. 

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Online 11 COVID-19 Zoom Chat

In late March, just as those of us in Japan were starting to realize that OVID-19 was going to cause sustained disruptions to schools, I sent out a request to the Online 11 COETAIL cohort looking for others to join in a discussion on distance learning where we can share successes and challenges each of us has faced so far. 

Email sent to the COETAIL Online 11 cohort

Surprisingly, almost the entire cohort was keen to join the conversation as our first time to actually have a ‘live’ conversation as a cohort. I went in with quite a few questions and prompts that led to a great discussion about distance learning including some great take-aways. 

Screen grab of the Zoom meeting. Images used with permission.

I liked the idea of a Zoom chat as it allowed for a back and forth discussion that really supports growth. The group was small enough so that everyone had a chance to speak, while being big enough to hear multiple perspectives. 

Presenting at Seesaw’s PD in your PJs

A few months ago, along with a few of my colleagues, I was asked to present a Seesaw PD webinar. These webinars, terms PD in your PJs, are a great way for those looking to learn more about Seesaw and to enhance student learning through Seesaw. 

We were lucky that Seesaw gave us the agency to really promote a learning focus that we felt was important before just talking about how the tool of Seesaw can support distance learning. 

If you are keen to learn more, check out my post that shares many of the points we discussed in the webinar: Continuous Learning 101: Top Tips.

Collaborating regularly with the YIS COETAIL team

Our team might be small (it’s just Flynn and me), but being small enabled us to chat regularly about the COETAIL journey, share ideas and get feedback. Pre-COVID-19, Flynn and I met weekly during lunch to discuss the week’s readings and our thoughts for the post we were planning to write. 

Once we started working and learning from home, Flynn and I caught up regularly via email and with the occasional Zoom call. 

I was lucky to have another member from YIS in the same cohort – I had a bit of a heads-up that this was a good idea as I was teaching at the International School of Luxembourg when they had a large group go through COETAIL – so I was keen to get others involved when I decided to signup. 

I look forward to continuing to develop this community, even as I transition to a COETAIL alum.