I first noticed hyperlinks when a buddy of mine started a blog in early 2005. I noticed that some of the words in his blog, when clicked, would take you to a different website. I thought that it was the coolest thing! I assumed that it was super complicated and required some HTML expertise to pull off. Ha, was I wrong. It was actually super easy, someone else had done all the hard work for us and all we had to do was click a button and insert the URL we wanted to link to the text. Here is a short video on how you actually go about hyperlinking a piece of text.


Hyperlinking is a great way to show your readers that you are not alone in what you are saying. It can also be a very efficient way for you to share information with your readers. You can link to other sites that validate whatever it is that your saying or in the very least support what you are saying. Your readers can follow your hyperlinks to find out more about what you are discussing. The possibilities are really endless.

Let’s say for example that someone is looking for a tool to use in their classroom. We’ll assume they go to their Google Reader which has all of the blogs they follow all organized in one place. They can run a search for something such as iPad apps. The results from the search will only contain blog posts from the blogs that they subscribe to. The specific blogs will be identified in the results. They can then go straight to the blog post and the search terms will be highlighted within that post. If their search didn’t return anything they can alway try a blog search as well. The really cool part is that chances are there will be some hyperlinks within that post that will lead to additional resources.

It boils down to sharing information in an efficient way.