I have been participating in a wonderful VoiceThread project called “Kindergarten Classrooms Around the World” which was started by #kinderchat star Nicole Cingiser (@ncingiser). So far four classrooms have participated. To get the project going we gave our students cameras (in my case iPods) and set them free to take pictures of whatever they felt was worth sharing about their school. Actually, before we did this we sat and discussed which areas or “spaces” of the school they wished to share and why. We made a list and then they went off and took pictures of these spaces.

After the students were finished we came back and looked at the pictures. We discussed which pictures were not only clear and well composed but adequately conveyed what we liked about the particular space. After we decided which pictures adhered to these standards we went out again and everyone tried to take pictures that were clear, conveyed meaning and were well composed. I think they did an excellent job!

It’s turned into quite an impressive collaboration and I wanted to share just a few of the things the kids have come up with:

My students have had a wonderful time with this and look forward to continuing work on this as well as similar collaborative projects.