Did you miss the first post in our ISTE Standards series? Read more about how COETAILers become Learners in our last blog post!

At COETAIL, we are committed to continually evaluating our program in order to keep it relevant for our participants. After the newest ISTE Standards were released, we revamped the COETAIL curriculum to equip today’s educator with the knowledge and skills to impact student learning.

“The ISTE Standards for Educators are your road map to helping students become empowered learners. These standards will deepen your practice, promote collaboration with peers, challenge you to rethink traditional approaches and prepare students to drive their own learning.” (source)

We reached out to our COETAIL alumni to better understand how they grew during the COETAIL program.

grow as leaders

The second ISTE Standard in our series is Leader:

ISTE Standards for Educators // Leader
Educators seek out opportunities for leadership to support student empowerment and success and to improve teaching and learning. Educators:
Shape, advance and accelerate a shared vision for empowered learning with technology by engaging with education stakeholders.
Advocate for equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning opportunities to meet the diverse needs of all students.
Model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation and adoption of new digital resources and tools for learning.

Eduro Learning embraces a community approach to learning. We believe that our community is essential to COETAIL’s identity so we are letting their voices speak for the program. Below, COETAILers share how they grew as Leaders during their journey.

Learning everything I have during my time in COETAIL has not only increased my knowledge about the best use of educational technology, but having this new knowledge has given me the confidence to share my learning at my school in different ways. I have now helped administer PD to our staff and have also become a tech mentor for teachers in the school. I will even be presenting at the EDTechGZ conference to discuss teaching digital citizenship in lower elementary. Without COETAIL, I would not have the knowledge or confidence to share my learning in these ways.

Online 10

COETAIL has provided me with the confidence to challenge myself both in and outside of the classroom. I’ve lead multiple workshops for my school, and coached colleagues individually to help them implement technology purposefully in the classroom. Outside of the classroom, COETAIL has allowed me to find my voice as an educational blogger, honing my craft as a writer & sharing my work with my awesome PLN whom in turn provide me with great feedback allowing the learning cycle to ensue for all of us.

Online 9

I became the COETAIL guy at school. People joined because I showed them how powerful it was and how impactful it was to my practice.

Online 2

I believe that the Blended Learning model fosters students’ choice, independence, and ownership. My classes reflect this idea and follow this model.

Online 5, COETAIL 2

I was able to help create and lead a group of teachers responsible for providing technology help to other teachers.

Online 2, COETAIL 2

As a leader, I’ve worked to get my colleagues and administration on board with some of the risks I’ve wanted to take: Minecraft, Genius Hour, Programming in the Early Years, and #ObserveMe, etc. For many projects, I’ve put myself out there as a lone wolf, allowing colleagues to observe from a distance. I’ve shared my trials and my successes openly. Many others have joined my pack.

Online 4, COETAIL 2

Your turn!

What does being a Leader mean to you? How do you demonstrate this standard? Why and how would you like to grow as a Leader?

Let us know via Twitter or Instagram using #COETAIL (feel free to get creative!) or comment below!