I stumbled across a cool feature that is new to me the other day while working on my last post. I had an image that I acquired somehow along the way but I couldn’t quite remember where I got it. I didn’t want to use it without crediting the source so I decided to do a Google image search and try to see if I could find where it came from and who to give credit to. I typed in a few key words but didn’t see the image I was searching for. Potential dead end.

This brought me to “new” part. Next I grabbed the photo from my desktop and dragged it into the search bar and BAM, I got a huge list of websites where the image appeared.

Searching Using an Image

After I discovered this search feature I started to think of cool applications and uses for it in the classroom. The first idea that came to mind was a history teacher could start a lesson by giving students some images centered around a specific event and ask them search for the image’s historical relevance using this technique. It could be a great way to introduce a topic and spark interest.

Once you start to think about it almost every teacher could find ways to integrate this tool into their lessons. The potential is huge! Please comment with any ideas you’d like to add.