Learning in the library of COETAIL

Learning in the Library of COETAIL Nicki Hambleton@itsallaboutart “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Suess Let me start at the very beginning … Back in Course 1, I...

Elementary Blogging: To Force, Or Not To Force

There seem to be wide-ranging opinions on when and how students should blog as part of their learning. In one camp are the proponents of blogging by choice. These educators advocate that students should not be made to blog because it’s not authentic. Forced blogging...

Learning to be Responsible…Even if you’re just five

Understanding the ‘Big Ideas’ Here we are in course two and as I did with course one, I clicked through all of the units to get an idea of how the work flows and big ideas progress through the entire course. Generally, I try to focus on the “Big...

Nine Months of Pedal to the Medal

I was lucky enough to be able to collaborate with two co-workers to develop an Acceptable User Policy (AUP) for our school. It’s very fitting for us to work on an AUP at this point as we have had a very strong tech focus this year at our school. But I think...