This is it: my final project

Photo by Aalok Atreya on Unsplash A picture is worth a thousand wordsAnonymous Sometimes, a powerful picture can read us. When I saw this photo today, I saw myself in between two worlds, before and after COETAIL. You can be surprised to hear that but it’s the way I...

Opportunities during an Inopportune Time

My friend and colleague, Alexa Stamatyades. Our extended Covid-19 trip took us to to see the quokkas in Australia because what better way to escape the world than to look at these cute furry creatures? When I created my original unit plan for this final project in...

Ends and Beginnings

My Course Five final video I must say that the two classes in film studies during my B.A. 25 years ago didn’t prepare me much for making a movie. When I was taking pictures and media I found that Dutch Angles just didn’t add to the emotions I was trying to convey. I...