Jason Graham (@jasongraham) and I were giving an unconference at Learning 2.012 in Beijing about the power of “Twitter Chats” and in particular #kinderchat. I was talking about how increadibly meaningful and relevant chats can be and I just wasn’t doing a good job of articulating myself. He suggested we watch a video made by Michelle Hiebert (@MauiMickey) in which she talks about being a part of the #kinderchat chat group and what this has meant to her.

She had just made the video so I had never seen it before. I have to say I was completely blown away by here testimonial! If I would have known how incredibly articulate Michelle was in her explanation I would have just put her video up first thing!

I know making that video took a lot of guts and I just want to say a huge “Thank You” to Michelle for being so brave. I also want to say a big “Thank You” to Jason for offering to talk about #kinderchat with me.

Hats off to you guys!