We’ve all heard about the power images can add to a presentation. Images can take a presentation that may be dull and uninspired.

cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by phoenixdailyphoto: https://flickr.com/photos/phoenixdailyphoto/1467681879/

With the right visuals to help you get your point across you could turn a boring presentation into something dynamic and at the same time boost the amount of information your audience remembers.

One dynamite resources for presentation design is Garr Reynolds “Presentation Zen” blog. Hop over to learn more than you ever knew existed with regard to presentations. One recent post was about “Eye Gaze and the Power of Faces“. Super cool! This blog is a goldmine of information. Definitely add it to your bookmarks.

Here is a really cool Slidshare by Emiland De Cubber that was shared by @jasongraham99 whom I follow on Twitter. It’s called “7 Tips to Create Visual Presentations“.

With so many visual resources now available it’s easier than ever to find quality images to help deliver your message. Some useful tools/sites include, Compfight, YouTube, Vimeo, Slideshare, Prezi and many others. Even if you have no previous experience creating presentations you could spend some time perusing these resources and with some effort create a visually effective presentation.