Photo by Andrea Leopardi on Unsplash At the beginning of this semester I was on track to create a final project for COETAIL relating to my teaching of a redefined empowered use agreement for YIS. However, COVID-19 had different plans. As I scrambled to adjust my...
As my initial COETAIL journey comes to a close, I’ve spent some time recently reflecting on the journey and the COETAIL community as a whole. I’d like to share three ways in which I’ve engaged with my PLN regarding themes related to COETAIL. Photo by Kari...
My Course Five final video I must say that the two classes in film studies during my B.A. 25 years ago didn’t prepare me much for making a movie. When I was taking pictures and media I found that Dutch Angles just didn’t add to the emotions I was trying to convey. I...
Photo by Park Troopers on Unsplash …within this process of incessant learning lies the secret of living the adventure called life, to its fullest. The more you learn, the more you blossom.Pulki Sharma, The speaking tree. Times of India From lurking to connecting...
Covid-19 and the New “Normal” Here in Shanghai, schools are opening back up. It’s a slow process and at our school, with only a few grades at a time. In another week, we will have grades 4-12 on campus. So what’s...
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