Goodbye SmartBoard… Hello Apple TV

I’ve finally ditched my SmartBoard. I have to admit that I’ve never been a big fan of my SmartBoard to begin with, so parting ways with it wasn’t particularly difficult. To be fair though I have to say that I have enjoyed certain things it has...

Skype in the Classroom Google Presentation

I wanted to share this presentation about different ways Skype can be used in the classroom. This presentation came to me by way of (funny enough) a conversation on Skype. I am mostly a lurker in a conversation that goes on 24/7 between 153 educators all over the...

12-12-12 A Moment in Time Google Presentation

Last December I came across a tweet about a collaborative project around 12/12/12. (I think it was a tweet from Anne Mirtschin, @murcha) My class was lucky enough to participate in this very cool global collaboration project. The project was spearheaded by a person...