News from COETAIL

The doors to our COETAIL community are open!

Subscribe to stay connected with COETAIL   Did you miss receiving a COETAIL update yesterday?!  Luckily we’re back today! THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our first Blog Tour and Challenge. We hope that you feel more connected to the growing COETAIL...

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#COETAIL Blog Tour // Courses 4 & 5 This Week

Before we get to the blog tour...have you had a chance to join the COETAIL Community Facebook Group? A new place to stay connected...share, celebrate & ask questions! Invite current COETAIL-ers, grads and anyone interested in teaching & learning   During the...

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#COETAIL Blog Tour // Courses 2 & 3 This Week

Before we get to the blog tour, some exciting news: we just unveiled a new way to interact with the COETAIL community! Join the COETAIL Community Facebook Group to interact with other educators around the world interested in educational technology & information...

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Introducing the 1st #COETAIL Blog Tour

As we begin to countdown to the exciting things that are coming during Online 8 and beyond, we're celebrating COETAILers past and present. During the next 2.5 weeks, we invite you to share your favorite highlights from each course during our first ever COETAIL Blog...

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Introducing #thisismyshool: COETAIL Final Project

Sean Walmsley@mrseanwalmsleyWell, it feels like this has been a long time coming! Not only have I been working on this idea for around a year and a half, but I have been blogging about it for the past few months so I sincerely hope that this lives up to the hype....

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Meet Lissa Layman our new Managing Director

A few months back we posted some new jobs to the COETAIL community as we continue to grow. With our new collaboration with the Google for Education team, we knew we would need more help in supporting COETAILers past, present and future. Lissa Layman Lissa Layman is a...

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Self-Directed Learning: Action Research

Throughout the 2015-16 school year, I conducted some action research on how self-directed learning (20% time, genius hour, etc.) affects students' attitudes and dispositions. This website tells the story of the quantitative and qualitative data that emerged from the...

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What Gets Cut?

Here is a little talk I gave at Learning 2.0 (Asia) in Manila. It speaks of how education needs to stop adding more and more to the curriculum, unless we are simultaneously taking equal amounts out.

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Killing Your Primary Concept Website

In October 2015, I led a workshop at Learning 2.0 (Asia) in Manila. For the workshop, I created this website to help primary teachers explore digitally innovative learning environments in elementary classrooms. For those who happen to stumble across this blog, feel...

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