So far you’ve been initiated into COETAIL’s community approach to learning while connecting with us on social media.

“In addition to the course materials, I learned so much from the other people in the program. I feel like I’m part of a network of educators I can turn to for support.” ~COETAILer
Today it’s time to get more intimately involved with the community. AND we’re giving you some options!
Today’s Challenge >>> Get involved in our community!
- Follow 10 COETAILers or GETs (#GoogleET) on Twitter or Google+.
- Current or graduate COETAILer? Join our Twitter list….we know more than 350 of you are on Twitter!
- Subscribe to the COETAIL Twitter list.
- Introduce yourself to COETAILer or GoogleET you’d like to connect with.
- Reach out & connect your class to another COETAIL or GoogleET class.
- Post a photo with one of the #EduroChallenge themes.
Connect >>> Post your completed challenge to Twitter, Instagram, Google+ or Facebook with @COETAIL, #COETAIL, #GoogleET & #EduroChallenge to be entered to win the giveaways and be connected with the community! Your posts can be as simple or as creative as you’d like.
Bonus >>> Eduro Learning (our parent organization) also happens to be in the middle of the first #EduroChallenge. Make sure to check out their daily photo challenges!
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