The Beginning Some of you may have already seen my UbD planner because I wrote it during the first week of course 2. I came up with the idea based off of inspriation from the success of the Traveling Teddy project. My kids have really enjoyed following this teddy bear...
Redefining Connectedness After reading Six Degrees of Separation, my first thought was that it was quite amazing how long this concept has been around. The second thing that came to mind was, if they had to use snail mail to test this theory in 1967, has anyone tried...
Redefining “Bullying” According to Donegan (2012), the term “bully” is traceable back to the 16th century, but according to Wikipedia it didn’t always have a negative conotation, and in fact once meant “sweetheart”. Fast...
Every Friday all the Kindergarten classes at our school gather together for sing-along. The kids love it, but it very often leads me to wake up on Saturday morning with a bad case of LSS (Last Song Syndrome)! It just so happens that we also had our most recent...
Almost everything I read this week had something to do with Facebook and how more and more of your information is shared online. Here’s the thing, I know lots of people who have been quite private about their use of Facebook and limit as much as possible on...
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