A sense of belonging: my community engagement

Photo by Park Troopers on Unsplash …within this process of incessant learning lies the secret of living the adventure called life, to its fullest. The more you learn, the more you blossom.Pulki Sharma, The speaking tree. Times of India From lurking to connecting...

Smile, You’re Not Alone: A story of “connecting”

I Got This! When I heard about COETAIL and what it entailed, blogging, tweeting, making global connections… I thought to myself “check, check and check!” I was already doing those things so I thought COETAIL would be a breeze. In many ways, it...

Reflecting on this Whole Shebang…

Starting from the beginning…let’s see… It’s not very linear, this journey, or this blog post. At the time it all started, I felt like I had walked into a room with a whole bunch of strange controls and buttons and not understanding any of them,...

The Power of Connections

Jason Graham (@jasongraham) and I were giving an unconference at Learning 2.012 in Beijing about the power of “Twitter Chats” and in particular #kinderchat. I was talking about how increadibly meaningful and relevant chats can be and I just wasn’t...