Redefining ‘Redefinition’

Pana Asavavatana Finding The Right Angle Going into course five, I knew that the way I approached this final project would take some stepping back and rethinking. I didn’t run core curricular units from start to finish in my role as technology integrator. Plus,...

Smile, You’re Not Alone: A story of “connecting”

I Got This! When I heard about COETAIL and what it entailed, blogging, tweeting, making global connections… I thought to myself “check, check and check!” I was already doing those things so I thought COETAIL would be a breeze. In many ways, it...

Work It, Flip It, and Reverse It

Start your engines… Well here we are, our Online 2 cohort has made it to course 5! January rolled around and I was pretty excited to get started too, yes, that’s right, I said “was”. You see, I began to reread the objectives behind course 5 and...

My First Learning 2.0 Conference

Exhausted… Yep, that’s how I felt and probably the way I looked too after Learning 2.014 at NIST in Bangkok, Thailand. It was the good kind of exhausted though. The kind where you’re overloaded with so much inspiration that you just conk out. After a...

Tell Me a Story

What’s the Story Here? Going through course 3 has changed the way I look at images. It has changed the way I search for images for my blog posts and presentations. It is changed the way I interpret them. I am not as literal when looking at or for images. I ask...