How do COETAILers grow as Visionary Planners?

Have you missed any of the posts in our ISTE Standards series? Read more about how COETAILers embody the standards here!

During the spring of 2020, COETAILers in Online 11 will culminate their learning journey with Course 5 with the option to also take School Technology Leadership (EDL 661) through the University of Kentucky. While the COETAIL courses focus on the ISTE Standards for Educators, the University of Kentucky courses focus on the ISTE Standards for Education Leaders. Scroll down for a peek at what combining these two certificates would look like!

This fall, we’re realigning our courses to the new ISTE Standards to equip today’s educator with the knowledge & skills to impact student learning.

“The ISTE Standards for Educators are your road map to helping students become empowered learners. These standards will deepen your practice, promote collaboration with peers, challenge you to rethink traditional approaches and prepare students to drive their own learning.” (source)

We’re also collaborating with the University of Kentucky to align our courses to include overlapping assignments, allowing you to grow as both an Educator and an Education LeaderScroll down for more information on our partnership with the University of Kentucky and a peek at the combined learning journey. Did you know that registration for Online 11 is open?! Don’t miss out on this transformational learning journey!

Bonus: Our partnership gives you the opportunity to stack graduate certificates on your way to your Master’s in Education (or even Ph.D.!) from a Research 1 university.

Want more details?

The next ISTE Standard in our series is Visionary Planner:

ISTE Standards for Educators // Visionary Planner

Leaders engage others in establishing a vision, strategic plan and ongoing evaluation cycle for transforming learning with technology. Education leaders:


Engage education stakeholders in developing and adopting a shared vision for using technology to improve student success, informed by the learning sciences.


Build on the shared vision by collaboratively creating a strategic plan that articulates how technology will be used to enhance learning.


Evaluate progress on the strategic plan, make course corrections, measure impact and scale effective approaches for using technology to transform learning.


Communicate effectively with stakeholders to gather input on the plan, celebrate successes and engage in a continuous improvement cycle.


Share lessons learned, best practices, challenges and the impact of learning with technology with other education leaders who want to learn from this work.

Eduro Learning embraces a community approach to learning. We believe that our community is essential to COETAIL’s identity so we are letting their voices speak for the program. Below, COETAILers share how they grew as Visionary Planners during their journey.

COETAIL gave me the courage of my convictions–to fight for what’s best for students.


Online 4, COETAIL 2

I became a part of the team and started working on creating a 3-year strategic technology plan for our school.


Online 2, COETAIL 2

I spearheaded my school’s Technology Committee and created SMART goals that centered around my COETAIL knowledge. In addition, the PLN developed over the year helped me whenever I threw out Q’s about strategic planning, SAMR, 1-1 devices, Dig Cit, & partnering with parents.


Online 9

My vision and practice has been recognized by administrators and peers. As a curriculum leader and team member, I try to share my successes and make them visible on units that we plan and the way they are delivered.


Online 5, COETAIL 2

Your turn!

What does being a Visionary Planner mean to you? How do you demonstrate this standard? Why and how would you like to grow as a Visionary Planner?

Let us know via Twitter or Instagram using #COETAIL (feel free to get creative!) or comment below!

We’ll choose 1 person a month to receive FREE blog hosting on for 3 years as part of our upcoming Online 11 cohort!

This partnership allows us to bring you a customizable learning journey through stackable certificates. No matter where you’re starting from or where you’d like to go, we have an option for you! You’ll begin with 2 simultaneous certificates – COETAIL & School Technology Leadership. Then, you’ll have the option to continue to stack other certificates (think Instructional Coaching, Deeper Learning, Google Certified Trainer, and more) to create your own unique mosaic to reach your professional goals!

The next COETAIL cohort and our first joint cohort with the University of Kentucky begins in January 2019. Are you ready to be part of something bigger and become a COETAILer? Stay up to date about our next cohorts by signing up for our mailing list!